Can CBD Products Help Anxiety?

If you are wondering about CBD products, you might not be alone. Many people are confused by the term and its definition. The plant is named "CBD" for cannabidiol. Cannabidiol is an important phytochemical found in industrial hemp. It is among the nineteen identified cannabinoids in human brain tissue and constitutes up to 40% of the entire plant's extract. This is the reason it is used in many products including dietary supplements.
People from all around the world use different CBD products for different ailments. Ingestion of CBD has been shown in multiple sclerosis to decrease pain. It has also been shown to reduce spasticity and improve motor function in patients with multiple sclerosis and Parkinson's disease. In a separate study, CBD was shown to reduce symptoms in patients with Crohn's disease. Click to learn more about Pinnacle Hemp. However, there are some clinical trials on CBD that raise doubts about its safety for long term use.
One study conducted at the University of California Davis found that CBD and THC, which are the two major components of CBD, interfere with the body's natural pain regulator called neuroendorphin. The researchers concluded, "The concentration and structure of CBD and THC are insufficient to interfere with neuroendorphin, a biological mechanism that mediates pain." However, other researchers disagree with this conclusion. They point out that one study did not take into consideration the acute pain that people suffering from multiple sclerosis normally experience.
Another one study found that CBD significantly reduced pain when it was consumed shortly before pain killers were used. The study tested high CBD doses taken just before the users' needles were inserted into their bodies. It does not indicate whether CBD has any significant effect on chronic pain.
A third study confirmed that CBD significantly reduced the subjective feel of anxiety in test subjects. In the test subjects, who were not given placebo, the results showed that CBD significantly reduced the amount of anxiety experienced. Click here for more information. The researchers believe that CBD has the ability to act as a natural "antidepressant". The amount of CBD needed to produce a significant difference was quite small. However, the test subjects' body mass index was greater than the placebo group, which may mean that CBD has the potential to reduce obesity, a known disorder.
All the studies conducted so far have come up with mixed results. Some reports show that CBD may be useful as an anti-inflammatory treatment for arthritis and skin problems. Some other research has shown that CBD may reduce anxiety and sleep disorders. It is, however, recommended that anyone interested in using CBD oil should talk to his or her doctor first. Learn more from

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